Saturday, April 20, 2013

Islamic Finance-a Peace Making Mission for all Humanity?


(i) offers sustainable opportunities;
(ii) with risk sharing cooperative culture;
(iii) within the holistic spirit of 'brotherhood';
(iv) for all humanity in no issue of one's religion, race, colour, gender, nationality or status;
(v) consistent with universal (natural) socio-economic & cultural value;
(vi) contributes towards creating an enterprising & an entrepreneur based global community with peace, progress & prosperity.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Supremacy of Islam as appreciated by other Faiths today?

The “SUPREMACY of ISLAM” as truly admitted by other FAITHS today...(view the below link).                                                                                        What an unfortunate for some born-Muslims who proudly claim to be atheists?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Interview by Global Islamic Finance Magazine

INTERVIEW of Prof. Dr. Mohd. Ma'sum Billah
Global Islamic Finance Magazine 
(Leading Islamic Finance Intelligence Since 2007).

The issue of Franchising of Islamic Financial Products & Services with Global Approach.

The detail of the interview can be browsed through the following link: