Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ummatic Jihad is by Intellectuality & Gentlity, but not with Terrorism?

Islam opposes any form of terrorism with violence while recognizes peace & harmony, progress & achievement through intellectuality, gentility, wise strategies & mutual respect with utmost tolerance and that is Ummatic Jihad (peace process for prosperity of mankind with no violation) for the common benefits of all within the spirit of Divine principles of the holy Qur'an & Sunnah, the mission & vision of the holy Prophet Muhammad (saw).

It had been the historic-culture of Muslim to devote themselves with Knowledge, Research & wise strategies with maximum degrees of tolerance towards their sustainable victories with pride & prosperity. Muslims used to lead the world not only politically but also economically, culturally, scientifically and or other positive aspects of the world environment just because of their intellectual enrichment with gentle application.

Eventually, when Muslims ignored importance of Knowledge & Research while adapting emotional mechanisms for their victory resulting them losing dignity & prosperity with uncertain future.

A nation can naturally be able to claim rich with superiority through its human resources, brain, wealth & system. It is factually submitted that, Muslims to day, are possessing all 4 pillars of superiority by having their number about 1.3 billions, which is almost 27% of the total population of the world, brains with world class intellectuals and scientists, wealth & uncompromised Divine system for all humanity.

Despite having such prime capacities, Muslims in the contemporary world of reality are suffering with no dignity, povertiness, being dictated & oppressed physically, globally, politically, economically, culturally, religiously, morally & psychologically.

Such unacceptable phenomena is encountered by Muslims perhaps due to ignorance of Divine reality.

In order for Muslim Ummah to get back to their original shape as the Dignified nation (Ummah) they have to return back to the Divine spirit of Qur'an & the Prophetic traditions as their way forward and that is, among others to enrich their culture with knowledge, research, wise strategies, rationalism, gentility, mutual respect, tolerance, punctuality, honesty, less talk with more result oriented action & unity with utmost share, care and concern.

For the noble victory of Muslim Ummah with sustainable pride, progress & prosperity "no room for emotionalism, terrorism & violence".

Friday, September 23, 2011

Islamic Finance? Its Universal Declaration to All Mankind (Ummah).........

Islamic Finance & Commerce is a Mission with Universal Character, which provides a Holistic Integrated Paradigm with high standard of ethico-spiritual, socio-economic & polio-cultural value for all humanity by respecting the issue of one’s religion, race, color, status, gender and or nationality.

The dynamism & uniqueness of Islamic finance can effectively be achieved through the heartfelt appreciation & practices of wisdom in reality, mutual respect, Ummatic cooperation, brotherhood, Utmost share, care & concern among the regulators, designers, operators & consumers in the global Islamic corporate & financial environment .

Such Uniqueness with Universal Character of Islamic finance is indeed inspired by the following Universal Declaration to All Mankind (Ummah) to Pave the Way Forward with Dynamic Cooperation:

وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى ولا تعاونوا على الإثم والعدوان

“... co-operate amongst you one another in righteousness and piety (visioning at beneficial outcome), but help you not one another in sin and rancor (aiming at harmful results)”.
(Surah al-Ma’idah:02)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


In Principles: the rights are ruled out.

In Practice: the rights are practiced, though not accurately observed yet in practicality as per required by the principles of Shari'ah (Sunni or Shi'ah whatever the case may be).

Suggestion: A further improvement in practice, treatment & relationship with non-muslim is required so to comply with the spirit of the Shari'ah standard and the noble practice of the holy Prophet Mohammad (saw) (towards honouring & protecting the dignity, life, property and socio-economic, religious & cultural rights of non-muslim in view of a sustainable universal peace keeping mission among all humanity) considering the contemporary reality.

Serious Concern: No terrorism, destruction, discrimination & unjustified emotionalism shall have any shelter or support in the noble teaching of Islam, rather Islam ensures a holistic PEACE KEEPING with utmost care, concern, cooperation and mutual respect among all humanity with Universal value.

Comment: It's intellectually essential before making a judgement on any subject matter, to examine on one's concept, rules & reality from both pros & cons, which may lead to a fair & acceptable conclusion.

Recommendation: the following links may provide a basic phenomenal idea on the above subject.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

World Islamic Accountants' Club (WIAC) ?

WORLD ISLAMIC ACCOUNTANTS' CLUB (WIAC) ? a need for the global corporate ummatic benefits.

Considering the global Shari'ah corporate phenomena and particularly the Islamic accounting environment, it is timely to initiate the establishment of WIAC with effective structure, policies, plan, strategies, system & operation by visioning towards a global cooperation among the Accountants, Auditors, Regulators & Technical groups in the Shari'ah based Financial, Corporate industries, Goverment & NGO sectors by targeting dynamism for all.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Islamic Common Market Global? .... rational & reality.

A step towards the formation of Islamic Common Market (ICM) was taken to bring about a global Ummatic unity among the Islamically trading countries so that they would be able to achieve maximum eco-goals with standard, progress & prosperity. But after years what had actually brought such awareness again? Is it the 11th September attack on the WTC?

After this incident, Muslims are being attacked on a very large scale as they are being blamed for this tragedy. Whosoever caused it, is the whole population of Muslim going to suffer the consequences?

Moreover, the Muslim in different countries have now come to realize that, their position in the world has been tarnished greatly. They are being heavily oppressed and controlled by the foreign powers, especially the Western. This oppression is well evident in the murderous killing of the Palestinians by the Jews. It was the cry of these pitiful people and other Muslim victims that there should be a need to re-identify the position of the Muslim in the world.

Whatever the case may be, the Muslim countries have now realized that they need to rebuild their identity and reposition their eco-political status in the world and save themselves from the yet coming potential harassment and oppression.

Islamic Common Market (ICM), which is the first step towards the reawakening of the Muslim Ummah. This proposition will have to deal with, such as globalization and to create an utmostphere to fully make people aware the need of an Islamic Common Market to strengthen the ties between Muslim countries and establish a Shari’ah based trading and commerce system.

It is to help people vision as prospectus and a means by which the Muslims can prosper and live with dignity without being picked at by the non-Muslim countries. It also aims to show the economic prospects of the proposition.

Islamic Common Market may contribute towards a readiness to take away the carpet from underneath the legs of the ICM. furthermore, Muslim all around shall appreciate the importance of their contribution to ICM in reality.

The economic level we need to accelerate the process of taking practical steps toward the realization of economic integration of Member States. Such integration should take the form of an ICM.

Due to the continuous economic and political competition between Muslims and non-Muslims nations, the concept of “Islamic Common Market” (began at the 12th Conference of Foreign Ministers of OIC in June 1981) emerged to actualize the need to materialize the economic unity of Muslim Ummah through economic integration.

The chief objective of the ICM is to provide the perfect banking, finance, marketing, trading and other economic related system necessary for the Ummah to progress smoothly in its Islamic role, to furnish it with the essential powers and faculties for its proper functioning and to clarify its vision and its methodology.

In a nutshell, Islamization of Common Market means an Islamic framework of transaction for human life and civilization. It determines every human activity, struggle and action in Islamic way. Islamic Common Market aims to enrich the followings with sustainability:

1. Relation between Eco-Politics.
2. Sovereignty.
3. International Society and Order.
4. Shari'ah Standard Ideology.
5. Specific Operational Mechanisms.
6. Ummatic Unity Global.
7. Ummatic Mutual Cooperation, Respect & Understanding.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Gold Dinar?... an alternative currency for ALL.

Money plays a vital role to the economy of any country, not only for providing a medium of exchange but also for the basic survival of the economy of the country. Traditionally, many things have been used by man to accommodate trade and be used as money such as sea shells, gold, silver, special type of stones and so on. Currently the world is using the paper money as the official medium of exchange between individuals and institutions. So far the system has managed to survive many financial crises and it seems to be in use for many years to come. Unfortunately, the paper money system does have its flaws including some that make it an unacceptable medium in the eyes of Islam. These flaws are shared here along with an alternative system (Gold Dinar) that can be used by the world communities as a sustainable one for all. This new system is one that is sure to be just and also in accordance with the Shari’ah standard.

Shari'ah Response to Fiat Money

• The introduction of paper money has led to the problem of instability of currency that did not exist with the usage of the gold standard. The The production of gold was quite stable and it then automatically guaranteed stability.

• Paper money unfortunately can be created anytime based on the decision of the government. This is what makes it so unstable unreliable as a medium exchange. With an ounce of gold could buy the same amount of goods over an extended period of time whereas with a twenty dollar note may not be able to enjoy the same privilege.

• The government decides the money matters of a country and is also responsible for increasing or decreasing the value of its currency. For example, a country may require more money to finance all of its programs. On the other hand, the country might be spiraling into a depression, which will result in reduced public spending.

Significance in Gold Currency (Dinar)

  • Most Islamic scholars asserted that, the usage of fiat money as a medium of exchange should be replaced by another medium that would be fair and just;preferably gold. One advantage would be that the government will not be able to exercise total control over it as is the case of paper money. The government will no longer be able to issue more gold than is available as was the case with the paper currency where the government can print as much currency as it wishes. After all, how much will it cost to print a piece of paper? The value of gold will only change when a new gold mine is found, but that too will not be a severe change. Moreover; the value of gold will eventually stabilize after a period of time.

  • A second advantage of gold is that, there will be no Riba al- Fadhuly (interest with extra commodity) as the government will no longer be able to fully influence the circulation of gold or its creation. However, the chance of exploitation will still occur because the gold coin may be debased. Debasement of a gold coin would mean that, it will have less gold in it than is stated on the coin.

  • This form of exploitation was quite common during the days when the gold coin was in use. The prince or king of a place would reduce the amount of gold in the coin and cheat his people. He would then keep the extra amount in the royal treasury for his own personal use and comfort. Hence; if a coin stated that, it was a 1.00 ounce coin, in reality it may have contained about 0.8 of an ounce.

  • This issue must be resolved before we decide to use the gold Dinar again as it is not much different from the exploitation that one suffers at the hands of paper money. Moreover; the whole purpose of Dinar or gold coin would then be destroyed.

  • A solution to this could be an auditing body that would inspect the gold coins to check whether they have the stated amount of gold in them or not. This is just like the quality control department in some firms, which check whether the quality of their goods is up to the standard or not.

• The Muslim countries will be using a currency that will be acceptable to all. The countries dealing with the Muslim countries will know that the gold in itself has value and will not worry about its depreciation or vice versa. This will result in a lot of trade among the Islamic countries and also the rest of the world.

• It will encourage trade and commerce among the Muslim nations. Even though there are many Muslim nations in the world, who have a very low level of trade and commerce exist among them. A single currency will make it easier for the Muslim countries to trade with one another and thus bring them closer in line with the broad principles of Ukhwah (brotherhood).

• By fostering closer ties among the Muslim nations and also better trade relations, the Muslim countries will no longer be as dependant on other non-Muslim countries as they currently are.

• Presently, some Arab countries sell oil in US Dollars as they feel secure knowing that it will not lose as much through depreciation than other countries. These countries can then revert to the Islamic Dinar and ask for payments in that currency. At one hand, they will benefit because, there is a very low chance that the gold coin will lose value. On the other hand, it will help the Muslim countries as a whole by ensuring that the rest of the world will use their currency. Hence, the Islamic Dinar will make the Muslim countries financially stronger and will alleviate their current plight.

Final Remarks

The concept of Islamic Dinar is not new and was in use long before the paper currency came into existence. The inherent flaws in fiat currency makes it unsuitable for the use as a medium of exchange and hence needs to be rejected.

A viable alternative would be to revert to the gold standard and use gold coin that we can name the “Islamic Dinar”. There are numerous benefits associated with the usage of this mode of currency if implemented successfully. Those of importance for the Muslim world are the factors that it will help the Muslim countries unite; make them stronger financially and also aid in increase trade between them. The Muslim countries will have to join hands in this effort to create the Islamic Dinar which will not only provide the world with economic stability but will also be responsible for bringing the Muslim world closer together. Although, Malaysia together with few other Muslim Nations struggle hard to make the dream comes true, but may not be accurately possible unless all Muslim nations are united to achieve the goal and hence, the unity among Muslim countries is essential or rather the foundation for success.