Thursday, September 15, 2011


In Principles: the rights are ruled out.

In Practice: the rights are practiced, though not accurately observed yet in practicality as per required by the principles of Shari'ah (Sunni or Shi'ah whatever the case may be).

Suggestion: A further improvement in practice, treatment & relationship with non-muslim is required so to comply with the spirit of the Shari'ah standard and the noble practice of the holy Prophet Mohammad (saw) (towards honouring & protecting the dignity, life, property and socio-economic, religious & cultural rights of non-muslim in view of a sustainable universal peace keeping mission among all humanity) considering the contemporary reality.

Serious Concern: No terrorism, destruction, discrimination & unjustified emotionalism shall have any shelter or support in the noble teaching of Islam, rather Islam ensures a holistic PEACE KEEPING with utmost care, concern, cooperation and mutual respect among all humanity with Universal value.

Comment: It's intellectually essential before making a judgement on any subject matter, to examine on one's concept, rules & reality from both pros & cons, which may lead to a fair & acceptable conclusion.

Recommendation: the following links may provide a basic phenomenal idea on the above subject.

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